Hell Yes.
Living for the Plot: How “Hell Yes” Decisions Transformed My Life
I live by a simple philosophy: if an opportunity comes my way, I need to know immediately if it’s a “Hell Yes” or a “Hell No.”
There’s no room for “maybe.” If I can’t wholeheartedly say “Hell Yes,” it’s a “Hell No.” And honestly? That mindset has led me down some of the most unexpected, adrenaline-charged paths, including one that took me straight into the heart of the circus.
Yes, you read that right. At 25, I joined the circus.
And this wasn’t some childhood dream finally realized—it was something I stumbled into by pure chance.
So, here’s the story of how one “Hell Yes” turned my life upside down and rewrote my journey in ways I never anticipated.
Discovering the Power of Saying “Hell Yes”
My “Hell Yes” philosophy didn’t appear overnight—it was shaped over years of learning that hesitation often led to missed opportunities.
Eventually, I learned that dipping your toes in the water out of fear of the cold was often more painful than just jumping in.
So, when something came my way and I knew I wanted it, I learned to dive in headfirst. This mindset has brought me unforgettable experiences—like buying a one-way ticket to Australia or skydiving on a first date.
But as thrilling as those adventures were, nothing quite prepared me for the day I found myself face-to-face with the thrill, intensity, and pure commitment of a circus show.
From Gymnastics Dreams to Circus Realities
A few months ago, I was feeling the weight of routine, longing for something that would make me feel alive again. Inspired by memories of flipping around as a kid in gymnastics, I started looking up adult gymnastics classes. None were available nearby, but I stumbled across a local circus school offering acrobatics classes. It wasn’t exactly gymnastics, but it was close enough to spark my curiosity.
Walking into that circus school for the first time was a surreal experience. This wasn’t just a casual acro class—it was a fully immersive circus training studio, complete with trapezes, aerial silks, and hoops.
It was equal parts intimidating and exhilarating. The kid inside me was jumping up and down, but little did I know, this would be more than just a few fun classes.
From Acro Classes to the “Hell Yes” Moment
After a few sessions, the instructors announced an upcoming circus show and encouraged advanced students to audition. The thought was laughable—I hadn’t performed since high school cheer.
But something inside me was itching to say yes to the opportunity… so I new I had to dive in head first, and say “Hell Yes.”
I auditioned, got in, and my life suddenly transformed.
I found myself balancing a full-time job with an intense rehearsal schedule and a daily hour-and-a-half commute to the studio. Every day became a juggling act between work, training, and pushing my physical limits. It was exhausting, yes, but every time I stepped into that studio, I felt alive in a way I hadn’t felt in years.
Facing Fear and Embracing the Plot
As show day approached, the nerves kicked in.
I hadn’t performed in nearly a decade, and the idea of tumbling in front of an audience was terrifying. But I was more excited than ever. For the first time in a long while, I felt fully alive, stepping out of my comfort zone in a way that mattered.
On stage, as I took my place, a calm settled in—I was exactly where I was meant to be. And it was worth every second of fear, every mile driven, and every leap of faith.
The Unexpected Beauty of a “Hell Yes” Life
Since joining the circus show, I’ve gained not only new skills but also a renewed sense of purpose. I’m now exploring aerial arts I never imagined I’d be interested in, and I’ve found a community of like-minded people who inspire me daily.
Living a “Hell Yes” life isn’t about being reckless; it’s about trusting yourself enough to say yes to the unknown, knowing that, at the very least, you’ll come away with a story worth telling.
Actionable Steps to Live Your Own “Hell Yes” Life
Ask Yourself, “What Would 80-Year-Old Me Want?”
When facing a big decision, picture yourself at 80, looking back on your life and offering advice to the present-day you. What would they say? If that future self encourages you to go for it, and it feels exciting and worth the risk, then say "Yes!"
Create Space for the Unexpected
Make time for activities that challenge your comfort zone, whether it’s signing up for a class, volunteering for a project, or planning a spontaneous trip. (Especially those that 10-year old you would have loved.)
Trust Your Gut
Learn to recognize the feeling of excitement mixed with a bit of fear. If it excites you and scares you, it’s likely worth pursuing.
Reframe Fear as Fuel
Instead of letting nerves hold you back, use them to motivate you. Acknowledge the fear, then take action anyway.
Live for the Plot
Embrace the mindset that life is a series of stories waiting to be written. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the richer and more colorful your life story becomes.
Living a “Hell Yes” life may just be the beginning for me. Who knows where the next “Yes” will lead?
But one thing’s for sure—it’ll be one hell of a story.