ABOUT Madison

I’m a passionate fitness lover, nutritionist and creative. As a co-founder of a fitness startup, I know the struggles you are going through. It’s tough work!

I am also obsessed with health and fitness. I’ve done spartan races, worked as a gymnastics coach, became a fitness instructor and am also a certified holistic nutrition coach. Health and fitness is my jam.

I help businesses tell their story.

And social media strategy is my bread and butter. 

Aside from fitness, my second love is content creation. I’ve made over 350 videos for YouTube and TikTok, and have reached over 300 thousand followers combined.

I became obsessed with understanding every detail of how different social media algorithms work and how to optimize each post.

I became so invested in social media strategy and content creation, that I decided to use what I learned to help grow, not only my own personal businesses, but many others as well as well.

Running a business is a lot of work. So if I can take one thing off your plate so you can finally have more time to fully live the life you want, I’ve done my job.